Now is the time to clarify the goals in your life?

Hebrew numerology brings focus and tranquility.


Then you are here with me at the right spot!

The Hebrew numerology illuminates your path and I will be your guide.

New: Access Bars -->

Access Bars Consciousness Living Andrea Spanjer van Egmond
Access Bars Consciuosness Living Andrea Spanjer van Egmond

Access offers a number of techniques and processes designed to enable greater awareness for everyone. Consciousness encompasses everything without judgment. It is the willingness and capacity to be totally aware and totally present in every area of ​​your life.

By lightly touching points on your head, the energies are activated and blockages are lifted and you are freed from all kinds of limiting thoughts, feelings and emotions.

I offer a treatment of one and a half hours for an introductory price of € 55.00. Please contact me via the contact form or by telephone.

When you choose for a Soul Purpose reading ...

Based on your birthname it will reveal the Codes (presented as a the Star of David) in your unique Soul Blue Print.
By knowing your Codes you can transmute and activate them so you will be able to walk aligned through life and experience a more fulfilling life.

 *  You will get a Star of David/hexagram, a roadmap for life
 *  You will discover your challenges, talents and goals
 *  It reveals your Soul Destiny
 *  It shows you how to transmute your shadow and how to step in into your
    higher purpose
 *  It will bring you more consciousness
 *  It can activate you everytime you read it or meditate on it
 *  You’ll receive a recording of the reading via mail.


Learn how to use the Codes
and how to transmute your challenges
in gifts, in GOLD……

When you choose for this Soul Purpose reading

Based on your birthname it will reveal the Codes (presented as a the Star of David) in your unique Soul Blue Print.
By knowing your Codes you can transmute and activate them so you will be able to walk aligned through life and experience a more fulfilling life.

*  You will get a Star of David/hexagram, a roadmap for life
 *  You will discover your challenges, talents and goals
 *  It reveals your Soul Destiny
 *  It shows you how to transmute your shadow and how to step in into your
    higher purpose
 *  It will bring you more consciousness
 *  It can activate you everytime you read it or meditate on it
 *  You’ll receive a recording of the reading via mail.


Learn how to use the Codes
and how to transmute your challenges
in gifts, in GOLD……

Healing & Upgrade

You can choose from the following options:

Mini Reading​

I lift a tip of the veil. Give yourself or someone else for € 13 a first impression of the numerology advice!
It will take about 20 minutes via Zoom.

Complete Reading

The most complete advice with a full overview of your life goals, talents and challenges.

Additional Reading

Have you used a different name since you got married or do you have a different nickname? Discover the influence of these names on your life.

Activation Subscription

In several consultations you will receive coaching from me in putting your talents, challenges and clarifying your goals into practice.

Healing & Upgrade

Receive an energetic cleanse of physical or spiritual blockages, such as negative beliefs. Restore your Soul’s Blueprint.

Spouses Reading

Focused on spouses. Each of them will receive a complete reading and additional an interaction comparison. By analysing the names it will revael the overall Creation Story and shows ongoing looping patterns in these relationships.

Relationships Reading

Min. 2 persons, max. 10 persons like family, children, friends & colleagues. The applicant will receive a complete reading and the additional persons will be explained briefly. By analysing the names it will revael parts of the overall Creation Story and shows ongoing looping patterns in these relationships.

Name Optimalisation

Do you feel that your birth name does not suit you?
I will take you through a process with the aim of finding a suitable name containing the codes that support your wishes for life.

Soon …..

Soul Retrieval

This is a ceremony where Soul parts of you are cleared and retrieved. These Soul Parts may have split off after, for example, trauma, addictions, depression. Soon …..

Now it is time to invest in yourself, you are worth it

Mini Reading (about 20 minutes), € 13 to get a first idea what a Numerology Advice will mean for you (amount will be refunded if you take later a complete reading).

Complete Reading (75 minutes), € 222 including extras like print of Hexagram of your Soul Blueprint, recording of the session, personal documentary and e-book Soul Purpose.

Additional Reading # (60 minutes), € 99 (normal value € 111)

Activation Subscription/Coaching # (6 times, each 45 minutes), € 222 (normal value € 244)

Healing & Upgrade # (60 minutes), € 111 (normal value € 133)

All in package: Complete Reading including all extras and Healing & Upgrade,  € 288 (normal value € 333).

# these services require a Complete Reading beforehand

Spouses Reading (150 minutes), € 399 (normal value € 444), two Complete Readings including all extras and additional an interaction comparison.

Relationalships Reading: from two to 10 people (e.g. family, friends, collegues):
basis for two persons (75 + 15 minutes) € 244 (normal value € 266), of which the applicant receives a complete reading including all extras and the second person a reading of about 15 minutes;
From three persons per additional person (15 minutes) € 44.

Acces Bars treatment: (approx. 90 minutes) normal value € 90, now for introduction € 55.

“The essence of that is you …  is written in the stars”

– An Ma Ra


“I received my reading: ‘spot on’ so to say. I recognised a lot, it gave many insights and showed me the way. In case of doubting about getting a reading: don’t hesitate, just do.”                                                    Ellis

“Incredibly happy with this session by Andrea. Very clear who I am in core and am allowed to live to the fullest, even more than I already did. Andrea is a wise and warm person, she gave me a lot of clarity.”                                                    Laura

“Andrea is a sincere person, who really helped me on the path that I am walking. I got may insights. She showed me the possibilities how to grow and gave me tools to find my way.”                           Liesbeth.

“With my two daughters (22 and 19) I received a reading. Andrea explained the codes with great care. We had codes in common. One code can be a challenge for the one and a talent for the other.  A great confirmation how we can learn and help each other in realising our goals.”   Angela.

“Andrea told and explained my (not yet activated) qualities. Becoming aware of those not activated qualities I see my potential to step forward. Now I start daily more focused and vibrant. I am so pleased  with the additional advises for a more relaxed lifestyle.                         John

I received a mini reading and was pleasantly surprised how spot on it was, without telling her anything about myself in advance. With this information I can take new steps … I now booked a complete reading.”                                  Lauretta

About Andrea

My name is Andrea van Egmond.

I am an Oracle, Healer and an Ascension wayshower to empower humanity to reveal and activate their Divine gifts and talents, so they will be able to become more conscious of who they really are and spread their light.

Andrea van Egmond

Andrea Spanjer -Conscious Living Numerology Coach

About Andrea


My name is Andrea Spanjer – van Egmond.

I am an Oracle, Healer and an Ascension wayshower to empowe humanity to reveal and activate their Divine gifts and talents, so they will be able to become more conscious of who they really are and spread their light.

Andrea Spanjer

Andrea Spanjer -Conscious Living Numerology Coach

Blog Articles


Online personal activity with depth

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Number 13: Lucky Number?!


What is the purpose of life?

Ready to learn more about yourself?

Application form numerology reading