Online personal activity with depth


A beautiful, special evening with, for example, your girlfriends or with your mother and daughter or with your sisters..?

Then organize an in-depth activity at your home through a free mini reading party with me via Zoom.

In an online zoom party with your 2 other loved ones I lift a corner of the veil of each of your soul plan.

personally online: a free mini reading party

Your birth name (as it is stated in the birth register) contains Creation Codes that reveal what your learning points, talents and goals are in your current life. Everyone gets a personal reading of about 20 minutes about the first codes in your blueprint.

The codes are displayed in the form of a Star of David (Hexagram). With this form you immediately see the link with the 5000 year old Hebrew numerology system, from which the information for the readings is derived

Depth and pleasure in comparing the results of the mini readings

How beautiful and interesting it is to look at your findings and compare them with each other. Things may become clear, why you react to certain events the way you do now…, why you are so attracted to certain people…

It can also provide insights if there are bottlenecks in certain personal relationships (eg husband/wife, sisters, mother/daughter).

Do you want to experience such a special activity?

Then sign up for this free mini reading party stating the full birth names, including surname (as stated in the birth register) of all participating people (max. 3) via the contactform and I will contact you within 24 hours to schedule an afternoon or evening.

See you soon ,

Andrea Spanjer-van Egmond

Have fun with your free mini reading party

Application form

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