Explanation of Hebrew Numerology

Personal numerology advice

The numerology system I use is a 5,000 year old Hebrew system. In the 21st century it is also ready to answer questions such as; “Who am I, what am I here to do, what challenges, talents and goals do I have in this life?”.

Based on your (birth) name, the resonances and vibrations that go with it, I give you a strictly personal numerology advice. You will receive a blueprint of your unique talents, challenges and life goals.

Andrea-Conscious Living Numerology coach

Curious about your life goals and life mission?

Your own Soul Blueprint

Your name is not a coincidence, but it was telepathically passed on from your Soul to your parents. During my numerology readings you will become acquainted with your unique Codes. With these Codes you will finally get answers to your life questions!

The Blueprint associated with your name is in the shape of a Hexagram. Each of the six points in the Hexagram represents a special area of ​​focus in your life, namely: physical talents, physical challenges, physical goals, spiritual talents, spiritual challenges and spiritual goals.

And last, but not least, in the middle is the Code of your Soul Plan. This Code provides the answer to the question for what specific (self-chosen!) Purpose you are here on earth!

Your own Soul Blueprint

Your name is not a coincidence, but it was telepathically passed on from your Soul to your parents. During my numerology readings you will become acquainted with your unique Codes. With these Codes you will finally get answers to your life questions!

The Blueprint associated with your name is in the shape of a Hexagram. Each of the six points in the Hexagram represents a special area of ​​focus in your life, namely: physical talents, physical challenges, physical goals, spiritual talents, spiritual challenges and spiritual goals.

And last, but not least, in the middle is the Code of your Soul Plan. This Code provides the answer to the question for what specific (self-chosen!) Purpose you are here on earth!

“The number is the essence of all things”

– Pythagoras


22 Codes

In total there are 22 Codes. Activating, becoming aware, looking at it and possibly working with it can help you move forward. Each code represents unique qualities, such as creativity, prosperity, strength, connection, (in) fertility, self-esteem, (in) dependence and many others. For example, do you like being alone or in company? Are you afraid of rejection, do you attract people, do you like being in the foreground in company? These properties are discussed in a consultation and you often find out that some of those properties are deeply hidden. You will gain more insight into who you are the way you are and understanding why you do what you do.

Becoming aware and activating your talents and gifts can change your life. You are going to live in accordance with your Soul.

22 Codes

In total there are 22 Codes. Activating, becoming aware, looking at it and possibly working with it can help you move forward. Each code represents unique qualities, such as creativity, prosperity, strength, connection, (in) fertility, self-esteem, (in) dependence and many others. For example, do you like being alone or in company? Are you afraid of rejection, do you attract people, do you like being in the foreground in company? These properties are discussed in a consultation and you often find out that some of those properties are deeply hidden. You will gain more insight into who you are the way you are and understanding why you do what you do.

Becoming aware and activating your talents and gifts can change your life. You are going to live in accordance with your Soul.

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